Wednesday 20 June 2012

Nail lust

Hello hello! I hope everyone is well. I don't think i've ever blogged about my love of nail art before. I'm an absolute sucker for anything nail related and today i'm going to show you some nail art i have done in the past!There's nothing I love more than when people compliment my nails, simply because it shows that all the time I spend doing them pays off! I also have the advantage in that my nails are so long( thanks mum for your genes!) It makes it a lot easier to experiment with the artistic side of nail art. About two years ago I began to read blogs and watch youtube videos of amazing beauty/fashion gurus. This opened up my eyes to nail art and how fun it could be! I started off by doing extremely simple zebra and leopard prints, which anyone could do. I then practiced on my friends and myself until i realised how addictive it was...I still love trying out new things so keep your eyes peeled for nail tutorials and NOTD posts:-) I discovered Wah Nails during one of my many tumblr trawls and fell in love. Their style, designs, skills, everything! When I heard they were opening in Dublin I was delighted and the next time i was up there i got a red and white heart/anchor print file and polish. I adored the nails and it just made me determined to get better at nail art:-) I hope you like this post, have a great day xx

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